what to know about your massage
For many people there are many questions they have when going to a massage therapist for the first time. What should I wear? Will I be covered at all? Do I need a doctor's note? Will my massage hurt?
Let me reassure you that here at Thrive Body Spa the client and their comfort level always comes first. You are the one in charge of the decisions made for your session, this includes therapeutic pressure, areas you would like worked, length of session, even additions to your massage such as hot stones, cups, essential oils and/or hot towels .
In some cases it may be deemed necessary to have the approval of your doctor before receiving a massage. Your safety along with your massage therapist's always comes first.
Upon your visit you will be asked to fill out intake paperwork which will include a health history, what your goal for the massage session is, and what specific body areas you would like worked. There are also general consent forms and forms that are specific for certain modalities, e.g. (hot stone massage, prenatal massage) It is important to be completely honest with your massage therapist about any health concerns you have and medications you are taking. Even medicine such as Tylenol can affect the results of your massage. Any muscle relaxer used before a massage can change the effects of pressure on your body. Under the influence of a muscle relaxer you may not feel the effects of the massage as much as you usually would and instruct your therapist to use deeper pressure. This can lead to much discomfort after the relaxer has worn off. A good massage should never leave you in excruciating pain.
Draping will be used in every massage session. Draping is the technique of uncovering only the part of the body that is being worked on during a massage. Draping allows you the client to be undressed to your comfort level and still feel safe, warm, and unexposed. Draping also allows your massage therapist to have the freedom to massage parts of the body without being encumbered with clothing.
In addition I take the care of my client's and their health very seriously, especially while in a Massage session. This includes integrity in the timing of sessions to the use of safe and pure products for cleaning and disinfecting the massage table, massage sheets, and towels .
If you have any questions that were not answered above, please feel free to call the office at 207-496-0700.